Our Philosophy

(419) 353-POCO (7626)
It's a doggone good time at Poco's!

We emphasize pack socialization skills. Your dog will learn how to interact in a pack environment, while being supervised by trained staff.

We focus on safety. Dogs should be able to play like dogs, but no dog should be bothered by other dogs.

We stress both physical and emotional health, and acknowledge the connection between the two. Dogs were bred to have jobs and to work and exercise. Lack of activity can lead to a number of behavioral issues.

We demonstrate appropriate human-dog interaction. Puppies and dogs with minor, normal behavioral issues should learn how to function socially with humans, as well as other dogs.

We highlight proper diet and nutrition, and the effect it can have on health and behavior.

We recognize that not all dogs are the same. We plan activities around the personalities of the dogs who are present at the time.

We understand that not all dogs will enjoy the pack environment. If the experience is causing a dog undue stress, we will recommend other options.

We appreciate your trust. We know that it is hard leaving your dog at daycare. 

We, at Poco’s Playhouse, are a family. We learn the dogs’ personalities and build relationships with them.

Copyright © 2020 Pocos Playhouse
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